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Life Groups

What is a life group?

A life group is a small group of people who meet regularly to grow spiritually, encourage each other, and build relationships. This could be through sharing food & fellowship, prayer, bible study and friendship. It also includes social events and sharing each others lives in various ways.

Do I have to join a life group?

No, however life groups are an important part of our church life and we would encourage everyone to join one if they are able to.

When / where are they held?

Life groups meet either weekly or every other week at a variety of places for example in people’s homes, in the Hope Centre or in church. Different life groups meet on various different days and times- some evenings, some during the day.

How do I join one?

For more information about life groups or to join, please speak to Rev. Linda or e-mail

She would love to hear from you!

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