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The parish takes its responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding very seriously.

We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as at risk at some time in our lives. It is the responsibility of each of us to prevent physical, emotional, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse.

Working within the guidelines of the Church of England and the Diocese of Newcastle we will report any abuse that we discover or suspect.


Lorraine Alexander

Safeguarding Officer


Parish Safeguarding Officer

Lorraine Alexander

07763 386 481


If you have any safeguarding concerns relating to yourself or someone else, please contact Lorraine.

Rev. David Gray

Team Vicar

Team Vicar

Rev'd David Gray

07540 620 632

If Lorraine is unavailable please contact our Team Vicar, David.

Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Diocesean safeguarding team.

Lisa Wardlaw - Safeguarding Case worker

07825 167 016

Maggi Creese - Lead Officer, Chaplaincy to Survivors

07826 405 972

More information about safeguarding is available on the website of the Diocese of Newcastle at:

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Click here to download a copy of the leaflet "You will be listened to".

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Click here to download a copy of the parish safeguarding policy.

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