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Baptisms and Thanksgiving Services

          You and your Child are WELCOME


We're encouraged that you are thinking of beginning a relationship with the church either personally or for your child.


Whether we are talking Thanksgiving or Baptism, we want to help you make an informed choice.

Every child has a Thanksgiving Service first because you do not have to be a Christian to thank God for your child.

The Thanksgiving Service is similar in form to a Baptism in that there are prayers, giving of gifts and a welcome to church.

There is no water and you are not asked to make promises.

You can also choose godparents, those who are close to your family and to whom you'd trust your children.

Godparents at a Thanksgiving Service do not have to be baptised.

Later you may wish to consider baptism and therefore what it means to be a Christian.

Our baptism procedure looks like this:


Email the Team Vicar, David Gray at

Initial Parent Meeting


Have a service of Thanksgiving for your child in church during one of our services.

Baptism Course


We offer the ALPHA COURSE as our Baptism Course. Over the term of 12 evenings, beginning in January and then again in September  we explore what it means to be Christian Disciple , its benefits and its costs.


Have a full baptism service in church during one of our Sunday services.


At this point you may choose to wait until your child is older before baptising them.

For more information, or to enquire about baptisms, please email Rev'd David Gray at

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